The Disturbing and Complex Dream of Alien Influence

The Disturbing and Complex Dream of Alien Influence
My dreams are getting increasingly disturbing and complex. I had this dream that several high school footballers and cheerleaders drove their pickup trucks to this rural after-game party in a picnic area. It was like some wild frat party where everyone is drunk and reckless, but even for a situation like that, the behavior was really out of place. For instance, everyone was gorging themselves on abnormally large quantities of calorie dense junk foods, and foods that are normally considered inappropriate or controversial. Many people were chugging entire buckets of sugary sodas, beers and sports drinks, and consuming entire pigs and racks of lamb. It was a level of consumption that would normally be impossible for the human body to endure, but everyone was going about it in such a casual and natural manner. Then everyone fell into a trance-like state as they turned their attention to a stage in the middle of the field. These bizarre human-like caricatures materialized out of thin air, and it was clear that they were extraterrestrial beings. They praised the entranced crowd for their depraved and uncouth behavior, which the aliens find genuinely fascinating about humanity. Then they proceeded to sing and dance as they poorly emulated the worst aspects of humanity - our prejudices, our violent tendencies, our fear and mistrust of each other. This was met by the crowd with raucous cheers and applause. The physical forms of the aliens varied. Some were composites of organic materials and technology, while others were beings of pure light. They were draped in mismatched clothes, and some tried to mimic the appearances of historic fascists and ruthless dictators. When they reached the end of their performance, they wrapped up by encouraging humanity to continue along its present course of derangement and mass murder. After the aliens de-materialized, the entranced crowd returned to its previous activities without forming any memory of what just happened. It turns out the aliens have been an integral part of human history dating back centuries. They have vastly advanced technologies and sciences that allow them to move about undetected, as well as to dampen or reprogram human memory engrams on the fly. The aliens thrive on the praise they receive by appealing to the most base and deranged human behaviors, and on some subconscious level, their appearances are what inspired all earthly religions. They see our genocides, hate politics and acts of mass oppression as expressions of religious praise and adoration. The natural progression of events is that our religions eventually become inseparable from these base destructive behaviors.

This dream may symbolize the inner turmoil and confusion within the dreamer’s subconscious mind. The high school footballers and cheerleaders represent the desire for popularity and acceptance, while the rural after-game party symbolizes a sense of escapism and recklessness. The excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks may represent a need for instant gratification and indulgence. The appearance of the extraterrestrial beings could represent the dreamer’s fear of outside influences and the unknown. The aliens’ praise for humanity’s negative traits may reflect the dreamer’s own inner conflicts and struggles with morality. The varying physical forms of the aliens could represent the different aspects of the dreamer’s psyche. The revelation that the aliens have been a part of human history for centuries and their manipulation of human memory could symbolize the dreamer’s fear of being controlled or influenced by outside forces. Overall, this dream may suggest the need for the dreamer to confront and address their inner conflicts and fears in order to find inner peace and understanding.