The Disturbing Dream of Helping a Friend Self-Harm

The Disturbing Dream of Helping a Friend Self-Harm
i had a dream that for some reason my male friend was doing well mentally and promised he'd get better if i helped him for smt. i agreed but what he made me do was disturbing, i helped him self harm as i carved number 1 to 21 on his arm and eacher number i did he took a breath. after it all was over i felt horrible andx begged him for forgivness i didnt want to do it but i did.

In Islamic dream interpretation, seeing oneself helping someone self-harm is a warning sign of being involved in sinful or harmful activities. This dream may also reflect feelings of guilt or regret for participating in such actions. The fact that the dreamer’s male friend is the one being harmed suggests that the dreamer may have a negative influence on this person’s life or may be enabling their destructive behavior. The dreamer’s desire to help their friend get better mentally may stem from a genuine concern for their well-being, but the means they are willing to go to may not be in line with Islamic teachings. The carving of numbers on the arm may symbolize the dreamer’s desire to control or manipulate their friend’s actions and thoughts. This dream may also be a reflection of the dreamer’s own struggles with self-harm or feelings of powerlessness in their own life. The fact that the friend takes a breath after each number is carved may suggest that the dreamer’s actions are causing harm to their friend’s soul and well-being. The dreamer’s feelings of guilt and begging for forgiveness after the act is over may indicate a realization of the harm they have caused and a desire for redemption. Overall, this dream serves as a warning to the dreamer to be mindful of their actions and to seek guidance and forgiveness from Allah for any harmful behavior.