The Eclipse and the Twin Moons: A Dream of Change and Transformation

The Eclipse and the Twin Moons: A Dream of Change and Transformation
I had a dream, that people were at the store buying glasses for the eclipse on the day of the eclipse. That night two moon showed up and they were next to each other. One almost on top of the other moon, and the colors of the moons were orange red with the hint of gray. All of the sudden there was a meteor shower and rock started falling from the sky.

The dreamer’s subconscious is sending a powerful message about change and transformation. The eclipse symbolizes a major shift or turning point in the dreamer’s life. The fact that people are buying glasses for the eclipse suggests that the dreamer is preparing for this change and is aware of its significance. The two moons represent duality and balance, with one moon almost on top of the other indicating a merging or blending of opposing forces. The orange red color symbolizes passion, energy, and creativity, while the hint of gray suggests a sense of uncertainty or ambiguity. The sudden meteor shower and falling rocks represent unexpected challenges or obstacles that may arise during this time of change. However, the dreamer’s ability to witness this event from a safe distance suggests that they have the strength and resilience to overcome these challenges. Overall, this dream is a reminder to embrace change and trust in the process of transformation.