The Elusive Ball: A Dream of Missed Opportunities

The Elusive Ball: A Dream of Missed Opportunities
I am in an apartment building. There is a wire fence, like a prison fence, outside the building overlooking a trench or chasm. On the other side of the chasm is another apartment building. At 9 AM and 5 PM, Hobbes from Calvin and Hobbes will punt a ball over the fence from the courtyard of his apartment building. I am there trying to catch it. I almost do but it falls out of reach after hitting my outstretched fingertips.

The dreamer finds themselves in an apartment building, surrounded by a wire fence that resembles a prison. This could symbolize feelings of being trapped or confined in their current situation. Across a chasm or trench lies another apartment building, representing a distant and unattainable goal or desire. The dreamer is fixated on a specific time, 9 AM and 5 PM, when Hobbes from Calvin and Hobbes appears in the courtyard of his apartment building to punt a ball over the fence. This could represent a playful and carefree aspect of the dreamer’s personality that they are trying to reach. However, despite their efforts, they are unable to catch the ball, which falls out of reach after hitting their fingertips. This could symbolize missed opportunities or a fear of failure. Overall, the dream may be reflecting the dreamer’s desire for something out of reach and their frustration with their inability to attain it.