The Fear of Falling: A Dream Analysis

The Fear of Falling: A Dream Analysis
Dream 8/18/24 there was a small plane. My family was all inside and flying high in the sky and I knew that we couldn’t all fly. Everyone but Tovah couldn’t fly so they were using parachutes. We were going skydiving. It was time to jump and dad, mom, Esa Mae, Shepherd, and river walked through an opening onto the wing of the plane and were getting their harnesses on. Mom and dad were tandem jumping with professionals. I told Tovah we should look out the hole and suddenly after looking out the opening felt a great fear of heights. Suddenly the plane started to spin and everyone grabbed on to the wing of the plane putting their hands through small holes on the wings so they wouldn’t fall. I was inside the plane with Tovah, but was being jostled around. I was scared. Suddenly the plane nose pointed straight down and I was sucked out of the plane through the hole. I started falling and was scared. I saw the ground and the trees become closer. I felt the wind rushing and it was loud. I remember thinking I wasn’t supposed to feel the stomach drop feeling. I tried to break my fall by flying but I just fell. The trees became closer and I hit into them feeling my body breaking. I slammed onto the earth and saw river hit the ground next to me. The plane dove towards the earth with speed and exploded hundreds of feet away from me. Mom was slowly falling down in her tandem parachute. Dad, Esa Mae, Shepherd, and Tovah were gone. I left river because he wouldn’t get up. Mom was too far away. I walked through the woods and came across a party in the woods with people. The music was so loud they were unaware of the incident. Some Hispanic kids ran up to me and asked me to come join the party. I was confused how they didn’t know what had just happened. I said no and kept walking. With no intention on what I was to find or where I was going the earth suddenly opened up and I fell thousands of feet into the earth. I was alone in the dark. I heard the sound of water and voices- Familiar voices. I followed the sound and came to a cavern. I found Tovah, Esa Mae, shepherd, and dad. There was a second hole that went thousands of feet down into the earth. A wooden deck was over the hole but I could tell it was old and rotting. I saw a throne with gold hidden under or inside of it. There were royal clothes draped over the throne. I felt like a dragon had been here before or some massive spiritual creature. I remembered this cavern from another dream and told dad I remembered how to escape. I opened a door and found a small hole inside. I remembered the hole being bigger. There was light leaking through the hole. Last dream we were all able to squeeze through the hole. I told everyone to come over and we would escape. Esa Mae walked on the wooded deck and it started collapsing. Suddenly and hole cavern came crashing down and I attempted to follow the light. I managed to escape and everyone was there except Esa Mae. I saw mom and river and was happy everyone was together. We didnt know what happened to Esa Mae but she walked out of the debris and was wearing royal clothing from the throne. We walked away, and found a car and drove away- happy.

The dream begins with a small plane, symbolizing a journey or a new venture. The dreamer’s family is present, representing their support and involvement in this journey. However, the dreamer is aware that not everyone can participate, as shown by Tovah’s inability to fly. This could suggest feelings of exclusion or inadequacy in the dreamer’s waking life. The skydiving represents taking a risk or facing a fear. The sudden fear of heights and the plane spinning could symbolize the dreamer’s fear of losing control or being overwhelmed by a situation. The dreamer’s attempt to fly and break their fall could indicate a desire to take control and overcome their fears. The crash and explosion of the plane could represent a major setback or failure in the dreamer’s life. The party in the woods could symbolize distractions or avoidance of the dreamer’s problems. The fall into the earth and the discovery of a hidden throne and royal clothes could represent the dreamer’s inner power and potential. The presence of familiar voices and the reunion with family members could suggest finding support and guidance in difficult times. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s fear of failure and the need to confront and overcome challenges in their waking life.