The Fear of Losing Control: A Dream Interpretation

The Fear of Losing Control: A Dream Interpretation
I was walkin with someone we got separated an when I come around the corner they rushed to cover my eyes before I could see the other precents yelling at me "thats not shavah" in a very scared tone like they were tryin to protect me they had there hands covering my eyes an even when they moved there hands I still couldnt open my eyes it was just very dark even though I couldn't see nothing but darkness i could feel someone standing in front of me touching/kissing me but no matter ho hard I tried I couldn't see them I felt very uncomfortable like I want to cry or panic

This dream may symbolize a fear of losing control in your waking life. The person you were walking with represents a sense of security and stability, but when you were separated, you were left vulnerable and exposed. The rush to cover your eyes may represent a desire to shield yourself from the harsh realities or criticisms of others. The other presence yelling at you may represent your own inner critic, constantly reminding you of your mistakes and shortcomings. The darkness and inability to see may symbolize a lack of clarity or understanding in a situation. The person touching and kissing you may represent a desire for intimacy and connection, but the discomfort and panic you feel suggest a fear of vulnerability and being seen. This dream may be a reflection of your fear of losing control and the need to protect yourself from potential harm or judgment.