The Frustration of Preparation: A Dream About Three Seeds

The Frustration of Preparation: A Dream About Three Seeds
Dream 9-2-23 Three Seeds At 7:45 am I awake. Then, the Lord prompted me to write down my dream. I dreamed that I was tasked to make a few (specifically 3) seasoned squash or pumpkin seeds, for a particular dog. It was a beautiful large reddish brown dog. I was experiencing frustration though, because no sooner than I would get them seasoned and prepared for drying, I would leave them unattended for a few moments to rest, but then when I would return the seeds would be scattered or gone. If they were still there I would then gather them up and let them rest again, only to return once again to scattered or missing seeds. As this went on, instead of a dog, the recipient of the seeds became a very unsuspecting handsome bridegroom who was suddenly betrothed to be married. So, I continued to start the preparation of the seeds leaving them to rest again and again, each time returning to find them either scattered or gone. As this scenario continued to repeat itself, with me starting preparation of the seeds, leaving them for a bit, and then returning to find them scattered or gone, I saw Elvis dressed in normal street clothes. He just happened to show up and began dancing in sort of a goofy way. I then understood that later Elvis would be performing for the gathering in costume, and I was now preparing the seeds for him. So, I continued to prepare of the seeds leaving them to rest again and again, each time returning to find them, either scattered, gone or sometimes even EATEN. This happened every time I left them unattended.

This dream may symbolize a feeling of frustration or difficulty in achieving a goal or completing a task. The three seeds represent a specific and limited number of opportunities or chances to succeed. The dog, initially the recipient of the seeds, may represent a loyal and faithful companion or support system that is ultimately replaced by a handsome bridegroom, symbolizing a new and unexpected opportunity or change in direction. The constant scattering or disappearance of the seeds may represent obstacles or distractions that hinder progress and require constant attention and effort to overcome. The appearance of Elvis, a famous performer, may symbolize the need for recognition or validation in one’s pursuits. The fact that he is dressed in normal street clothes and later performs in costume may suggest the importance of staying true to oneself and not getting caught up in superficial appearances. Overall, this dream may be a reminder to stay focused and persistent in the face of challenges and to trust that success will come in its own time.