The Funeral and the Lava: A Dream Analysis

The Funeral and the Lava: A Dream Analysis
It was a dream about a funeral, a funeral for a guy at school that I barely knew. I did recognize him in the dream though, always found him weird in the real world though. Anyway, we were trying to blow up his body at the funeral. I don’t really know why that’s why we were trying to blow up the body to get rid of it but it made sense in the dream. Everyone was there including my dad. There was a valley with lava in between the field where the body was being blown up and the spot where I was. It wasn’t a huge valley, but it was big enough to fall in. I remember my dad at first almost tripping into the valley of lava but he caught himself. Then i noticed that the sides of the valley had these rock stairs that you could go down into to get into the lava. I remember my dad just stepping down the stairs and me screaming for him to stop, get out, and not to get into the lava. Well he did, he stood on top of the lava which held him for a second then he completely just dropped into the lava. I remember i was panicking so hard to get him out of the lava, i was screaming for help from anyone at the funeral to help me get my dad out of the lava. I woke up so frightened by it

This dream may symbolize unresolved feelings towards someone you barely knew. The funeral represents the end of a relationship or connection with this person. The desire to blow up the body could suggest a need to release pent-up emotions or to let go of any negative thoughts about this person. The presence of your father could represent a need for guidance or support in dealing with these emotions. The valley with lava could symbolize a dangerous or volatile situation, possibly reflecting your fear of losing control. Your father’s near fall into the lava could represent your fear of him getting hurt or making a mistake. The rock stairs could symbolize a way to confront and deal with these emotions, but your father’s decision to step into the lava could suggest a lack of caution or recklessness. Your panic and screams for help could reflect your desperation to save your father and possibly your own fear of losing him. This dream may be a reflection of your subconscious processing unresolved emotions and fears related to this person and your relationship with your father.