This dream may symbolize your fear of losing someone close to you. The school represents a place of learning and growth, and the fact that it is run down and haunted suggests that there may be unresolved issues or negative emotions surrounding your relationship with this person. The large number of people in the school could represent the many different aspects of your life that are affected by this fear. The three floors may represent different levels of consciousness or different aspects of your psyche. The fact that you cannot find the person you are looking for and keep hearing voices and seeing things could symbolize your inner turmoil and confusion about the situation. The roof could represent a higher level of consciousness or perspective, and your desperate calls for the person’s name could represent your desire to reconnect with them. The fact that they eventually appear and jump into your arms could symbolize a sense of relief and reassurance that they are still present in your life. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious fears and anxieties about losing someone important to you.