The Healing Power of Hugs: A Dream of Reconciliation

The Healing Power of Hugs: A Dream of Reconciliation
I dreamt theat I could see eli and jordan n my bathroom play boxing i could see them in the mirror. I walked in And i cried Eli and Jordan ran out crying and i went up to Eli and we gave each other a hug and we just held each other. We didn’t say anything to each other we just hugged it was the best hug ever and i woke up. I right away wrote it down cuz I didn’t want to forget this dream.

This dream may symbolize a desire for reconciliation and healing in a strained relationship. The presence of Eli and Jordan, possibly representing two important people in your life, in your bathroom suggests that this is a personal and intimate issue. The play boxing in the mirror could represent the conflict and tension between you and these individuals. Your tears upon seeing them and their subsequent crying and running away may indicate feelings of hurt and sadness in the relationship. However, the hug between you and Eli signifies a desire for forgiveness and a willingness to mend the relationship. The fact that no words were exchanged during the hug suggests that actions and physical touch may be more powerful in resolving conflicts than words. This dream may be a reflection of your subconscious longing for reconciliation and a reminder to reach out and mend any broken relationships in your waking life.