The Hidden Truth: Interpreting a Dream of a Deceased Ex-Boyfriend

The Hidden Truth: Interpreting a Dream of a Deceased Ex-Boyfriend
I was at home when I received a message that my ex-boyfriend died and I was shocked in my room with my cousin and we were talking about how he was just a friend because nobody really knew about our relationship that didn’t last long when all of a sudden my aunt she comes and say we were going to be inspected by the district and I was scared because nobody knew about us and it was odd that they’d pick me out of anybody at school, that’s when I find out he died from suicide, so we clean the house making sure there was no clothes around or anything that could show any signs of depression, and again I learned that he was staying with us before he passed in the dream, which was odd because I don’t remember him staying with us in the house, when I get out of the house it was surprisingly my old house I was standing out of my old house but inside is like my new house, I was playing dolls with my baby cousin when I hear knocks on the door so I went to open and it was the district, I brush my Afro before I opened the door and the man got in and told me he had called the emergency for me, and I am asking him why and he said that’s because he went to talk with my specialist and they said that I was on a diet and diet could show signs of depression

This dream may symbolize unresolved feelings and guilt surrounding the relationship with your ex-boyfriend. The shock and disbelief upon receiving the news of his death may represent your own denial and avoidance of the past. The fact that you were discussing your relationship with your cousin in your room suggests that you may have kept your relationship a secret, possibly due to fear of judgment or disapproval. The impending inspection by the district may symbolize your fear of being exposed or judged by others. The cleaning of the house and hiding of any signs of depression may represent your desire to hide any negative aspects of your relationship. The fact that your ex-boyfriend was staying with you before his death may symbolize the lingering presence of his memory in your life. The change in location from your current house to your old house may represent a desire to revisit the past and reflect on your relationship. The mention of a diet and its connection to depression may suggest that you are trying to control your emotions and hide any signs of vulnerability. This dream may be a reflection of your subconscious processing your feelings and emotions surrounding your past relationship and the guilt you may feel about it.