The Highway Crash: A Symbolic Journey of Personal Growth

The Highway Crash: A Symbolic Journey of Personal Growth
I was driving on the highway it's me and my dad it's in the area before Tulsa where there's multiple highways turning and passing each other, as we're going we get hit in the driver's side sending us spinng and off the highway falling onto the road below where we get hit again by it looked like a black SUV sending the car spinning again off into the grass I black out and when I see everything again I'm sitting outside the car with my dad in front of it in the grass, and all I can remember more is crying and saying I'm sorry

This dream may symbolize a journey of personal growth and transformation. The highway represents the path of life, with its twists and turns, and the multiple highways may represent the different choices and opportunities that come our way. Your father’s presence may represent guidance and support from a parental figure. The crash on the driver’s side could symbolize a sudden and unexpected challenge or obstacle that you encounter on your journey. The black SUV may represent a powerful force or influence that causes you to lose control and spin out of control. Falling onto the road below could symbolize a loss of stability or grounding in your life. However, the fact that you and your father survive and end up in the grass may suggest that you have the strength and resilience to overcome this challenge. The act of crying and apologizing may symbolize a release of emotions and a willingness to take responsibility for your actions. This dream may be a reminder to stay strong and persevere through difficult times, as they can lead to personal growth and development.