The Importance of Preparation and Trust in God’s Plan

The Importance of Preparation and Trust in God’s Plan
Dream In a class doing presentations. Everyone presenting on a topic we studied together.? Sca group. Samuel presentation that was recorded for tv and it was reference i’m one of the presentations. I said that’s my son. When my turn came I didn’t have a presentation planned. So decided to improvise, but felt I wasn’t being listened to. I explained that everyone else had presented on the same topic so I’ll take a different angle. The teacher / white man and the female teacher asked me to hang up a map on the wall and discribe journey from two points in England. He said your husband is in Coventry, where is that. I said it’s near Birmingham and pointed to the middle of England Bon the map. He said that’s wrong. The map had no labels. Dream that Dr A came to visit in the morning, she seemed not happy with me and hushing me. Then became very supportive ect. She needed to shower but had no towel so I gave a towel. Ect

The dream begins with a class presentation, symbolizing a time of learning and growth. The fact that everyone is presenting on a topic they studied together suggests a sense of unity and shared knowledge. The presence of a recording for TV and a reference to the dreamer’s son, Samuel, may represent a desire for recognition and validation from others. However, when it is the dreamer’s turn to present, they do not have a planned presentation and must improvise. This may symbolize a feeling of being unprepared or unqualified for a certain task or situation in waking life. The dreamer’s sense of not being listened to could indicate a fear of not being heard or understood by others.

The teacher, a white man, and a female teacher represent authority figures or mentors in the dreamer’s life. The request for the dreamer to hang up a map and describe a journey from two points in England may symbolize a need for direction and guidance. The fact that the map has no labels could suggest a lack of clarity or confusion in the dreamer’s current path. The dreamer’s husband being in Coventry, near Birmingham, could represent a sense of security and stability in their life. However, the teacher’s response that it is wrong could symbolize a fear of making the wrong decisions or choices in life.

The dream then shifts to the presence of Dr. A, who represents a wise and knowledgeable figure. Her initial unhappiness with the dreamer could symbolize a sense of disappointment or disapproval from someone in the dreamer’s life. However, her eventual support and need for a shower could represent a need for cleansing and renewal. The dreamer’s act of providing a towel could symbolize their willingness to help and support others.

Overall, this dream may be a reminder to trust in God’s plan and to always be prepared for whatever challenges may come. It also highlights the importance of seeking guidance and support from wise and knowledgeable individuals, while also being willing to offer help and support to others in need.