The Importance of Prioritizing Relationships in Life

The Importance of Prioritizing Relationships in Life
Me , my Bestfriend and my estranged brother was on a plane ( first class ) heading to New York . My Bestfriend was in the middle seat and i was beside a woman and her kids . Then i left the plane for business purposes to record a verse. Then i came back too late and the plane took off without me and all my stuff was in the plane. I watched the plane take off . And i was very angry and screaming

This dream may symbolize the importance of maintaining and prioritizing relationships in life. The dreamer’s best friend and estranged brother represent two important relationships in their life. The fact that they are all on a plane together, heading to a new destination, could suggest a new chapter or phase in their relationships. The first class setting may symbolize the value and significance of these relationships. However, the dreamer’s focus seems to shift to their own personal pursuits, as they leave the plane for business purposes. This could represent a tendency to prioritize work or other obligations over relationships. The dreamer’s anger and frustration when they realize they have missed the plane and left their belongings behind could symbolize the consequences of neglecting relationships. It may serve as a reminder to the dreamer to prioritize and nurture their relationships, as they are an important source of support and fulfillment in life.