The Inner Conflict of Inviting My Crush to My Birthday Party

The Inner Conflict of Inviting My Crush to My Birthday Party
i had a dream where i was having a birthday party at 6pm, but i hadnt invited anyone till like 3pm, so i started calling people and inviting them, but when it came to my crush, i cudnt invite her, i was having a debate in my mind in my dream if i shud invite her or not, cuz she would be the only girl there and it would be pretty weird, but i wanted her to be there

This dream may reflect your inner struggle with expressing your feelings towards your crush. The birthday party symbolizes a celebration of yourself and your desires. The fact that you had not invited anyone until 3pm suggests that you may have been hesitant to open up and share your true feelings. However, as the party approached, you felt the need to reach out and invite others, including your crush. The debate in your mind about whether to invite her or not represents your conflicting thoughts and emotions. On one hand, you want her to be a part of your celebration, but on the other hand, you are worried about how she may perceive the situation. The fact that she would be the only girl at the party may symbolize your fear of standing out or being vulnerable in front of her. Ultimately, this dream may be a reflection of your desire to have your crush in your life, but also your fear of rejection or awkwardness. It may be a sign to confront and address these conflicting emotions in your waking life.