This dream may symbolize a strong emotional and physical connection with Sergio. The fact that he is sitting next to you and hugging your arms tightly suggests a deep level of intimacy and closeness. This could represent your desire for a deeper connection with him, both emotionally and physically. The intense eye contact you have noticed in real life may also be reflected in the dream, indicating a strong mutual attraction and chemistry between the two of you. The fact that you woke up with your hand in the same position as in the dream could suggest a longing for this type of physical closeness with Sergio. It is possible that your subconscious is processing your feelings for him and your desire for a deeper relationship. Alternatively, the dream could also represent a need for emotional support and comfort, and Sergio may symbolize someone who can provide that for you. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your feelings and desires for a deeper connection with Sergio, both emotionally and physically.