The Intriguing Encounter with Alexander Hamilton in a Backyard Meeting

The Intriguing Encounter with Alexander Hamilton in a Backyard Meeting
So I was still trying to find my sketchbook and like Alexander Hamilton showed up and tried to shoot me but ended up shooting himself so Me, Lafayette, and some other guys (im assuming they were like John Laurens, Mulligan, ect) just talked shit abt him for a bit and then we were going to have a little meeting on a play area and Lafayette pulls out a paper that mentioned Netflix for some reason even though it looked decades old and a random book that I saw more than once. And the entire time we were in my dads houses backyard area

This dream may symbolize a conflict between your creative side and your rational side. The sketchbook represents your creativity and the struggle to find it suggests that you may be feeling lost or disconnected from your creative pursuits. Alexander Hamilton, known for his intelligence and rationality, may represent your logical and analytical side. His attempt to shoot you could symbolize your fear of being stifled or suppressed by your own rational thoughts. However, his accidental self-inflicted wound could suggest that your creativity will ultimately prevail. The presence of Lafayette and other historical figures may represent different aspects of your personality, each with their own opinions and perspectives. The mention of Netflix and the old book could symbolize a desire for both modern and traditional forms of entertainment or knowledge. The backyard setting may represent a private and intimate space for reflection and contemplation. Overall, this dream may suggest a need to balance and integrate both your creative and rational sides in order to find harmony and fulfillment in your life.