The Intruder and the Dog: A Dream of Fear and Perspective

The Intruder and the Dog: A Dream of Fear and Perspective
i broke into a young ladies conservatory and was immediately confused as when i got in there she sat still and didn't seem bothered, that was until i decided to leave, at first everything seemed fine to me until i turned around and she was chasing me as i ran out my garden, i turned around again and she was holding back a big dog, so i immediately started running faster but as soon as i did so did the dog, the dog got to a river and was hesitant to jump but i just jumped in anyway, this was when i started seeing the situation from the dogs perspective, all the dog saw me as was a peice of meat.

This dream may symbolize feelings of confusion and vulnerability in a situation where you feel like an intruder. The young lady in the conservatory may represent a part of yourself that you feel you have invaded or disrupted. Her initial lack of reaction may suggest that you feel your actions are not causing harm, but her sudden chase may indicate that you fear consequences or retribution. The big dog may represent a powerful force or obstacle in your life that you are trying to avoid. The fact that the dog hesitates to jump into the river may suggest that this force is not easily overcome. However, when you jump in, you see the situation from the dog’s perspective, realizing that you are seen as nothing more than a piece of meat. This may symbolize a fear of being seen as weak or vulnerable in a situation. Overall, this dream may reflect feelings of fear and powerlessness in a situation where you feel like an outsider.