The Intrusive Ex and the Alien Abduction: A Dream of Fear and Isolation

The Intrusive Ex and the Alien Abduction: A Dream of Fear and Isolation
I was being stalked by an ex boyfriend. He entered my home and said he was looking for his keys. He did not seem aggressive and I was able to coax him out. I then noticed in my backyard that my barbecue grill had been knocked over. I mentioned to my neighbor that it was time to put up security cameras. Went back inside my house and something near the window caught my eye. It was a high tech video camera pointed inside my living area. It was set up inside a van and once I made eye contact it the van backed out of the side yard. My ex was driving it! Over the next two days similar things kept happening. My ex kept showing up, my backyard kept getting destroyed, but also the inside of my home as well. Also a large fire truck would show up, but never made contact with me before leaving. On the last night I came downstairs and there was some sort of alien life form in my entryway. Wearing a red spandex suit. I told them they had to go, but they wouldn’t. I asked what they were looking for. They said they couldn’t find their Fanny pack. They eventually curled up on a bench in the hall and dozed off. My ex showed up again as well as a dozen other people. They said they were fixing a pipe in the backyard. I was trying to call 911 and the signal would not connect. A couple of the girls said to hurry and get in the garage. I started to panic and looked toward the alien. I saw images in their large eyes of a bright light shining down through a canopy of trees. Realizing now a possible abduction was about to happen I grabbed another scared looking girl and ran to the laundry room and locked the door. Things were getting really loud and the door was starting to blow open. I yelled out to cover your head and did my best to keep the door closed. I heard screams among the noise. After about 5-10 minutes everything went calm. Relieved I was unharmed I got up and saw the girl in the closet with me was not so lucky. I opened the door and there was a girl with bright blonde hair and shining blue eyes, bluer than I’ve ever seen. She was carrying a younger girl in her arms, alive and smiling. She remarked that she was the only “new” one to survive. My ex and his crew went to work packing everything up and left. I was left with a mess and alone. I was so depressed and alone that I slashed my wrists and stumbled out to the driveway for help. A police car stopped by and berated me for what I had done. He refused to help me and sped away. I was moaning and screaming “help me”. I could feel the life slowly draining from my body. The neighbors across the street also refused to help and said I was disgusting for what I had done. With the last bit of life I had I managed to flag down a passing car. A couple got out and rushed to help me. The husband ripped up his jacket to create a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. I eventually recovered and this couple took me in as their own. Life went on, but every once in a while I was struck with the feeling that I was all alone in world full of people.

This dream may reflect feelings of fear, vulnerability, and isolation in your waking life. The presence of your ex-boyfriend, who is known to be a stalker, may symbolize a sense of being pursued or threatened by someone or something from your past. The fact that he enters your home and causes destruction may represent a fear of this person or situation disrupting your sense of security and stability. The mention of security cameras and the high-tech video camera in your backyard may suggest a desire for protection and surveillance in your waking life. The appearance of a fire truck, which does not make contact with you, may symbolize a feeling of being overlooked or ignored in a time of crisis. The alien life form in a red spandex suit may represent a sense of otherness or unfamiliarity in your life. The fact that it is looking for a fanny pack, a symbol of personal belongings, may suggest a fear of losing something important to you. The presence of your ex and a dozen other people, who claim to be fixing a pipe, may symbolize a sense of being overwhelmed and outnumbered by external forces. The struggle to call for help and the eventual arrival of a police car, which berates and refuses to help you, may reflect feelings of powerlessness and abandonment in a time of need. The act of slashing your wrists and seeking help may symbolize a desire for attention and support in your waking life. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your fears and anxieties about being alone and facing challenges without the help of others.