The Journey of Love and Loss: A Dream of Finding New Love and Family

The Journey of Love and Loss: A Dream of Finding New Love and Family
i had a dream that and I had a gf and she died and after that I cut off the whole world for a year but then I met a boy who was my friend and one day he started touching on me and I like it so I told him take me home so a few days later we ended up kissing and it was such a passionate long kiss and he was telling me how much he liked me and how beautiful I was so we ended up fucking and after that he turned into my sneaky link fast forward one day I heard a baby cry and he just disappeared and when I went to go check it out he was in a room with 3 kids the ages were a newborn, a two year old, and a five year old once I saw him he said those were his kids so I just turned around to walk out on my way out he said i know your going to leave like everybody so just lock the door on your way out and I said nah im going back to the room come back when your done then we ended up fucking again a few days later his baby momma tried to blow up his apartment but accidentally blew the one below him up and after she did all dat she tried to take all the kids and i helped get em back and come to find out only the two year old was his and apparently she was a unfit parent and the other two girls dad ain’t want nun to do wit dem so he took em all so they wouldn’t have to split up so fast forward we ended up getting married and i got pregnant wit a lil boy

This dream may symbolize your desire for love and companionship, as well as your fear of losing it. The death of your girlfriend may represent a past relationship that ended abruptly or unexpectedly, causing you to withdraw from the world and isolate yourself. The boy who becomes your friend and lover may represent a new romantic interest who brings excitement and passion back into your life. The fact that he has children may symbolize the responsibilities and challenges that come with a serious relationship. The baby crying and the boy disappearing may represent your fear of commitment and the possibility of losing this new love. However, your decision to stay and support him through his struggles shows your willingness to overcome these fears and build a strong foundation for your relationship. The explosion caused by his ex-partner may symbolize the destructive nature of past relationships and the need to let go of the past in order to move forward. The fact that you end up getting married and having a child together may represent your desire for a stable and loving family. Overall, this dream may reflect your subconscious desires for love, companionship, and a sense of belonging.