The Lost Diapers and the Fugitive: A Dream Analysis

The Lost Diapers and the Fugitive: A Dream Analysis
I dreamed two different dreams. The first dream I was babysitting A toddler girl with blonde hair. I don't know who's little girl she was but when she was dropped off at my house I somehow lost her pack of Huggies diapers. I asked mom,what are we going to do? I have looked all over the place for them and I can't wait till it gets dark. I've got to find them now. I walked outside where I see an old radio flyer wagon in my ditch with a basket inside it full of tools and a thick beige colored towel. I pick up this tool that looked like one of those long tong looking things that turns over meat when on the grill except at the end there was two thick steal hoops that were covered in a thick yellow glue. I wiped the glue off onto the towel. Parked in front of my house on the side of the road was a young man named John that usually comes by my house and also acquainted with in reality. He was helping some older guy that I don't know with seeing what the problem is under the hood of his car and while I'm looking at the tools,my daughter walked up bare foot and asked, what are you doing? I replied, I am cleaning the glue off of the tools. She asked, what are those doing there? I said I don't know but I am going to leave them alone. They don't belong to me. So I walked passed this other car parked in front of my house on the side of the road. I looked inside the car. The cars window was rolled down and there was this big grocery bag in the passenger side seat full of snacks,prizes and party stuff. John was busy talking to the guy that was still parked and noticed me looking in. He said, Rochelle ( A woman that occasionally goes to my church) is having all that stuff for that little boys birthday party. He then pointed across the street in an ally way where Rochelle was at this house. My first thought was, I need to get the little boy a gift but then I said, no I don't! I don't know these people and I would rather by something for a child in need ( referring to the little girl in need of diapers) than to buy a gift for a child that gets everything given to him. That was the end of the first dream. The second dream I had I was in an old two story house with lots of rooms. It was empty but people were there including these really tall cops with a hat,baton,badge on. This one cop was standing in this wide open very large bathroom next to a toilet and told someone that th ere used to be a fugitive living there and he ( the cop) was waiting for the fugitive to show up to use the toilet so he can arrest him. I walked upstairs and see a few rooms. I open the closet and there were these itty bitty stairs leading down in this room that only had a concrete thing I can't explain in the floor with a little bitty drain in the floor and it was sorta in the shape of Texas and sorta in the shape of Oklahoma. I stood above the stairs with Jean pants on peeing in a stream ( I am a woman) straight down in the drain.I had my jeans on. I didn't even pull them down. Then my daughter and I walked passed this shelf with lots of empty bottles and jugs. One milk jug didn't have a lid on but it had something in it and I poured barbecue sauce out of it and down a drain. It also had something that looked like sour cream at the bottom. My daughter says,eww what is that? I kinda laughed and said oh Shawneal ( Facebook friend and acquaintance) said that if I ever come across her jug of homemade barbecue sauce to pour it out. Then when we left we get in a jeep that my brother in law was driving over by this beach but instead of sand it was thick dried up mud on the roads and it was a construction site in front of the ocean. We get out and there was a lake ( not an ocean) the water was incredibly clear. I saw something at the bottom and then this old fashioned radio you saw in the 90's came floating up to the top and still playing music.

This dream may symbolize feelings of responsibility and guilt. The first dream, with the lost diapers, could represent a fear of losing control or not being able to fulfill obligations. The presence of the young girl and the need to find the diapers may suggest a desire for nurturing and protection. The tools and towel could represent the dreamer’s ability to problem-solve and clean up any messes. The encounter with John and the party supplies may symbolize a desire for recognition and a sense of belonging. The dreamer’s decision to not buy a gift for the child in the party and instead focus on the child in need may reflect a sense of empathy and compassion. The second dream, with the presence of tall cops and a fugitive, may represent feelings of fear and anxiety. The empty house could symbolize a sense of emptiness or lack of control in one’s life. The cop waiting for the fugitive could suggest a need for justice or a desire to confront and overcome fears. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s inner conflicts and desires for responsibility, recognition, and control.