The Mysterious Glowing Charlotte

The Mysterious Glowing Charlotte
Yeah, it was about Charlotte Like she lived in Dyffryn, I invented a family for her, mother, brother, sister, I don't remember how big my fam were invited to her house for TV and food, we got along well but everytime Charlotte saw me she was angry like I had wronged her somehow, her eyes would turn red and she'd get a red glow around her We were at her house twice Then I was at a mall I think, school maybe I don't know but Lauren Beynon made a suprise cameo playing Magic the Gathering, I just waved and left Then there was a post office Then I saw Charlotte in Ponty Park and she was still glowing but noticeable less so, I don't know why but I think if I carried on with the dream she would've just been less angry Oh and I think there was a monster or deaths or sharks or something I know there was a volleyball game outside the spar? Like there was sand and everything which Is why I went to the post office which turned into a mall which then I saw Lauren playing Magic

This dream may symbolize unresolved feelings or conflicts with someone in your waking life, represented by Charlotte. The fact that you invented a family for her could suggest that you are projecting your own desires or expectations onto this person. The red glow and anger in her eyes could represent your fear or guilt about how this person perceives you. The two visits to her house could symbolize your attempts to reconcile with this person, but their continued anger suggests that the issue has not been resolved. The appearance of Lauren Beynon, a surprise cameo, could represent an unexpected element or distraction in your life. The post office and mall could symbolize different aspects of your daily routine or responsibilities. The volleyball game outside the spar could represent a desire for leisure or relaxation. The presence of a monster or danger could symbolize your fears or anxieties about the situation with Charlotte. Overall, this dream may be reflecting your subconscious thoughts and emotions about this person and your relationship with them.