The Mysterious Room with Spider Webs and Dead Beetles

The Mysterious Room with Spider Webs and Dead Beetles
حلمت اني داخل غرفة و رأسي مرفوع الي اعلي و لاكني لا الاحظ الارض او السرير الذي اجلس علية و حوائط الفغرفة قديمة مطلية بالطلاء الاخضر و وفي سقف الغرفة يوجد الكثير من خيوط العنكبوت القديمة جدا ممتلاءة بالغبار الي ان اصبح لونها مائل للاسود و يوجود في هذه الخيوط بعض من الخنافس االسوداء الميتة العالقة

This dream may symbolize feelings of being trapped or stuck in a situation. The room represents your current state of mind, and the fact that you are unable to see the ground or the bed you are sitting on suggests a lack of grounding or stability in your life. The old green walls may represent feelings of nostalgia or longing for the past. The spider webs and dust-covered spider webs hanging from the ceiling may symbolize neglected thoughts or emotions that have been building up over time. The black color of the webs may represent negative thoughts or feelings that have been festering. The dead black beetles caught in the webs may symbolize past mistakes or regrets that are still weighing on your mind. This dream may be a reminder to address and release these negative thoughts and emotions in order to move forward and find peace.