The Mysterious Stitches on My Throat

The Mysterious Stitches on My Throat
I woke up in my dads house with stitches on my throat bc my aunts friend or smth slit it but I don’t remember it getting slit all i remember is I was in my aunts house and there where these two ppl on the bed and I kept checking in them cs I could’ve sworn they were holding up then I blacked out n I woke up in my dads house that’s a short summary but when my dad and step mom were talking to me all I kept doing was walking back and forth n lightly touching the stitch’s and I wasn’t talking I only said one thing and it was that titi said she cares but that girl is still up stairs right now and the girl had red hair I think not sure on the hair color glasses n was white

The dreamer’s throat represents their ability to communicate and express themselves. The stitches symbolize a hindrance or blockage in this area, possibly caused by someone close to them. The dreamer’s aunt and her friend may represent conflicting aspects of their personality, with the friend being the one who caused the harm. The dreamer’s memory of the event being hazy suggests that they may be suppressing or denying the true source of their pain. The two people on the bed could represent the dreamer’s inner conflict, with one part of them trying to hold on while the other is trying to let go. The dreamer’s blacking out and waking up in their dad’s house could symbolize a desire for protection and comfort from their father. The dreamer’s actions of walking back and forth and touching the stitches could indicate a need for reassurance and healing. The mention of the girl with red hair and glasses could represent a specific person or trait that the dreamer associates with causing them harm. Overall, this dream may be reflecting the dreamer’s struggle with communication and the need for healing and support in their relationships.