The Perils of Substance Abuse: A Dream of Being High on a Rooftop

The Perils of Substance Abuse: A Dream of Being High on a Rooftop
Soñé que estaba drogado en una azotea y casi me caia y varios vecinos me miraban

This dream may symbolize a feeling of being out of control or overwhelmed in your waking life. The rooftop represents a high and dangerous place, suggesting that you may be taking risks or engaging in reckless behavior. Being high on drugs can also represent a desire to escape reality or numb your emotions. The fact that you almost fell off the rooftop could indicate a fear of the consequences of your actions or a fear of losing control. The presence of your neighbors watching could symbolize a fear of being judged or exposed for your behavior. Alternatively, it could represent a feeling of being watched or scrutinized in your waking life. This dream may be a warning to reevaluate your choices and behaviors before they lead to negative consequences. It could also be a reflection of your inner conflicts and struggles with substance abuse. Consider seeking support and addressing any underlying issues that may be driving this dream.