The Power of Choice: A Dream of Facing Fear and Taking Control

The Power of Choice: A Dream of Facing Fear and Taking Control
I was in a large building with many people surrounded by glass windows. Outside, there were police and security running into another building quickly. It looked like something was wrong. I felt relieved that there were people rushing to help. The police and security came out and entered our building. I was in the back of a very large room that everyone was in. The officer who came in began to gas everyone but I had a chance to escape because I was in the back. I chose not to escape and to willingly breathe in the gas.

This dream may symbolize a situation in your waking life where you feel surrounded by chaos and danger, but also a sense of relief that help is on the way. The large building with glass windows could represent your own vulnerability and the outside world’s ability to see into your inner thoughts and emotions. The police and security running into another building may represent your desire for protection and safety. However, when they enter your building and begin to gas everyone, it could symbolize a fear of losing control and being forced to face your fears. Your decision to stay and willingly breathe in the gas may suggest a willingness to confront your fears and take control of the situation, rather than trying to escape or avoid it. This dream may be a reflection of your inner strength and resilience, as well as a reminder to trust in your ability to face challenges and make difficult choices.