The Power of Day and Night: A Dream of Magical Gifts and Responsibilities

The Power of Day and Night: A Dream of Magical Gifts and Responsibilities
It was in a land set in now times where the children are celebrated to the people who have become of age to take over their parents roles of need be. There are magical creatures and powers throughout but only two important ones, the power of day and night, fire and ice, water and stone. These gifts are born to random children throughout the land to different cultures around. The child of the dream was 15, a Nermifrost child and she was born with the rarest of the gifts, the first of her kind, having both the powers of day and night, being able to see through everyone's mask. She went to school, for the first time, made friends with the young girl with white hair, who had the powers of day which she only knew because that child showed her true form, 9 small sun's as her face shining so bright it caused the child's of night to appear, black skin, lightning eyes and mouth throwing electrocuted rocks at the Nermifrost and the white haired girl. The Nermifrost girl fell to the water saved by giant and earth elf. Then I woke up. It felt so real.

This dream may symbolize the transition from childhood to adulthood, where the children in the land are celebrated and given important roles to take over from their parents. The presence of magical creatures and powers represents the idea of having unique gifts and abilities that set individuals apart from others. The two important powers of day and night, fire and ice, water and stone, may represent the balance and duality of life. The 15-year-old Nermifrost child with the rare gift of both day and night powers may symbolize the idea of being able to see through people’s facades and understand their true nature. The white-haired girl with the power of day may represent the light and positivity in life, while the Nermifrost child’s powers of night may represent the darker aspects. The conflict between the two may symbolize the struggle between good and evil. The Nermifrost child being saved by a giant and earth elf may symbolize the idea of finding protection and guidance in nature and the unknown. Overall, this dream may represent the journey of self-discovery and finding balance between light and dark within oneself.