The Power of Transformation: A Dream of Vampires and Eye Color Change

The Power of Transformation: A Dream of Vampires and Eye Color Change
We were two girls (one of them was me)and the other girl has black hair and a bun who was attacked by the boy who had brown eyes and black hair,but both of us were attacked by two boys who have vampire fangs,they bit both of us but before biting us ,the boy quickly approached the girl,I shouted ‘no’ and ran towards her,then he gently approached her neck and bit her,the girl didn't even resist. I tried to protect the other girl but failed, then I was bitten by this brown-eyed, brown-haired boy. Because of this action ,they have control over us ,while he was biting me he was holding my arm while I was falling slowly, I have blue eyes but after this bite my eyes changed to green colour and the girl's eyes which were brown changed to purple, after we were bitten they left us lying on the ground or on the grass.

This dream may symbolize a transformation or change in the dreamer’s life. The two girls represent different aspects of the dreamer’s personality, with the dreamer being one of them. The black-haired girl with a bun may represent a more reserved and traditional side, while the dreamer may represent a more adventurous and spontaneous side. The brown-eyed boy may represent a threat or challenge in the dreamer’s life, while the two boys with vampire fangs may symbolize a sense of danger or temptation. The biting and changing of eye colors may represent a loss of control or influence in the dreamer’s life, as the dreamer and the other girl are both bitten and their eye colors change. This could suggest a feeling of being overpowered or manipulated by someone or something. The dreamer’s attempt to protect the other girl may symbolize a desire to protect or defend a vulnerable aspect of themselves. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s struggle with change and the loss of control in their life.