The Power to Overcome Fear: A Dream of Courage and Strength

The Power to Overcome Fear: A Dream of Courage and Strength
Ok so I would be with my mum in a sketchy hotel just minding my own business And then we would be like kidnapped and brought into this basement So then when these black hoods were taken of our headI would see to really buff guys standing either side this rich Italian guy in a wheelchair Then he said to us something like if you don’t do what I say I will kill your mother And then so I would then scream no And then the two buff guys would take my mum and held a gun or sometimes it was a needle to her headSo then I said yes Then the guy in the wheelchair told me to walk towards him and then I would kick him in the balls and do the same to the two buff guys and run up the stairs.

This dream may symbolize your inner strength and courage in the face of fear and danger. The sketchy hotel represents a sense of unease or uncertainty in your waking life. Being kidnapped and brought into a basement could represent feeling trapped or controlled by a situation or person. The black hoods being taken off your head could symbolize a moment of clarity or realization. The two buff guys and the rich Italian man in a wheelchair may represent intimidating or powerful figures in your life. The threat to kill your mother could symbolize a fear of losing someone you love or a fear of being unable to protect them. Your decision to say yes and then fight back by kicking the man in the balls and escaping with your mother could symbolize your ability to overcome fear and take control of a difficult situation. This dream may be a reminder of your inner strength and resilience in the face of challenges.