The Preacher’s Struggle: A Biblical Dream Interpretation

The Preacher’s Struggle: A Biblical Dream Interpretation
i dreamt that my husband was preaching. it seemed he could not read his written sermon on his cell phone. his expression on his face was like if he was getting mad. he was behind the preaching stand and he started to tilt foward on it and both fell off the polpit and i screemed. He was ok and got up and left and took his phone.

In this dream, the dreamer sees their husband preaching, but he is struggling to read his sermon on his cell phone. This could symbolize a struggle with communication or conveying a message effectively. The fact that he is using a cell phone, a modern form of technology, could represent a reliance on worldly methods rather than relying on God’s guidance and wisdom. The dreamer also notes that their husband’s expression is one of anger or frustration, which could indicate a lack of patience or control in his preaching. This could be a warning to the dreamer’s husband to be mindful of his emotions and to seek God’s guidance in his preaching.

The dream takes a more dramatic turn when the husband falls off the pulpit, causing the dreamer to scream. This could symbolize a fear of failure or a fear of the consequences of not preaching effectively. The fact that the husband is unharmed and simply leaves with his phone could suggest that the dreamer’s fears are unfounded and that God will protect and guide her husband in his preaching.

From a biblical perspective, this dream could be a reminder to the dreamer’s husband to rely on God’s word and guidance rather than relying on his own abilities or worldly methods. It could also be a warning to the dreamer to trust in God’s protection and not give in to fear or doubt. Ultimately, this dream could be a call to both the dreamer and her husband to seek God’s wisdom and guidance in all aspects of their lives, including preaching and communication.