The Prophetic Dream of a Coming Flood

The Prophetic Dream of a Coming Flood
I was living in a big house with my mom & daughter. All of a sudden there were these like people- all of my neighbors, people outside, freaking out getting into fear everywhere because they were saying that there was a flood that was coming. Some people were saying that it was a conspiracy theory , some were saying that it wasn't true, some people were not beliveIng it, some were saying that it WAS TRUE. I knew that I knew, that I knew that it was TRUE. I KNEW IT IN MY SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY THAT IT WAS TRUE AND IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. I called my mom and my daughter into the room where I was. I remember that there were like 3-4 other women in this dream but I don’t know who they were, just that they were like spiritual mothers and very wise. I quickly ushered them into a gigantic bathroom with a big window covered with curtains. I looked at them and I said, LISTEN TO ME- WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IS TRUE! THERE IS A FLOOD COMING. And then I turned towards the window and I opened up the curtains and showed all of them what I saw from the window. What I SAW was either the Mississippi OR the Missouri river - one of the big major rivers. It was right there in front of me , like a view from a drone. This was definitely a DRONE VIEW. The water level was rising and it seemed like it was close to our house but I can’t be too sure. I am not sure if it was literally right next to our house or if it was a vision of a river far away. I got the sense that this flood would not just affect people living close to the river but that EVERYONE would be affected in some way by this flood. Then we all dispersed and started to gather things for evacuation. I knew that the water would begin to come into the house soon so I was giving Melina instructions on what to gather and she had ZERO sense of urgency and I was extremely angry with her- I've never been more angry with her in that moment because I felt like she wasn't listening to me or moving quickly. Then I remember we were in the house and trying to gather our things as quickly as possible. I gave Melina instructions to go downstairs and get a few specific things. Then I went outside and I saw the water rising in the large back yard. Then suddenly I was walking on this boarded sidewalk and I saw some things in the water that I needed to get. I saw a small kayak so I grabbed it and got in. I grabbed a cooler type thing, some other things, I had to paddle over and then I saw a LIFE JACKET. I knew that I needed it so I went to grab it and it was anchored and clipped to the ground by a Carabiner. Then I found another life jacket and another- THREE LIFE JACKETS TOTAL that I grabbed. I knew that we were going to need them just in case. They were all anchored the same way. For whatever reason, this was a very significant part of my dream. Then I was floating around looking for other things we might need and then I got out and grabbed my stuff & went back inside. Then we were all in FULL evacuation mode. I remember thinking- WHERE WILL WE GO? That part I was very worried about because I did not know where we were going to go. There were people and neighbors all around us, not having a plan- it was very strange. I remember that I told Melina to go downstairs in the basement and put these specific things in a cooler- I don't remember what they were. I was going to make a food cooler. I don’t know if this is a warning dream from the Lord or literal or what but I KNOW THAT IT FELT LIKE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. IT FELT VERY REAL. I pray that the Lord will show me who the other women were that I pulled aside and told them about the flood and why that part was so significant. I woke up before I got out of the house.

In this dream, the dreamer is living in a big house with her mother and daughter. Suddenly, there is a sense of panic and fear as news of a coming flood spreads among the people. Some dismiss it as a conspiracy theory, while others believe it to be true. The dreamer, however, knows in her spirit, soul, and body that the flood is indeed coming. She gathers her loved ones and some wise women into a bathroom, symbolizing a place of safety and cleansing. The dreamer urges them to listen to her and see for themselves the truth of the situation. This can be seen as a call to listen to the voice of God and trust in His warnings. The view from the window, possibly a drone view, shows a major river, representing a powerful force that will affect everyone, not just those living close to it. This can be interpreted as a warning of a major event or disaster that will impact the entire world. The dreamer then begins to gather things for evacuation, but her daughter seems to lack urgency and obedience. This could symbolize the need for preparedness and obedience in the face of impending danger. The dreamer then sees the water rising in the backyard, representing the flood approaching. She finds a kayak and a life jacket, symbolizing the tools and protection needed to navigate through the flood. This dream can be seen as a prophetic warning to be spiritually prepared for a major event that will affect everyone. It also emphasizes the importance of listening to God’s voice and being obedient to His instructions. Just as the dreamer was angry with her daughter’s lack of urgency, God may also be displeased with our lack of urgency and obedience in preparing for what is to come. Let us heed this dream as a call to be spiritually prepared and obedient to God’s guidance.