The Rattlesnake Attack: A Dream of Warning

The Rattlesnake Attack: A Dream of Warning
I was outside with my wife, on a tennis court. She was walking away from me, looking at her cell phone when I realized there was a huge rattlesnake on the court, it went after my wife incredibly fast. I yelled at her to watch out but she wasn't paying attention and just stared at her phone as she walked. the rattlesnake struck her on the butt, and she collapsed. The snake then turned to attack me, again moving far too fast. I tried to fight it off, but it bit me on the arm, then I woke up.

This dream is a warning of potential danger in your waking life. The presence of your wife suggests that this danger may affect your relationship or partnership. The tennis court symbolizes competition and the need to be on guard. Your wife’s distraction with her cell phone represents a lack of awareness or attention to potential threats. The rattlesnake is a powerful symbol of hidden danger and betrayal. Its attack on your wife may indicate that someone close to you may betray or harm you. Your attempts to fight off the snake show your determination to protect yourself and your loved ones. However, the snake’s bite on your arm suggests that you may still be vulnerable to this danger. This dream is a reminder to stay vigilant and trust your instincts. It may also be a sign to reevaluate your relationships and be cautious of those who may not have your best interests at heart. Take this dream as a warning and be prepared to defend yourself against potential threats.