The Reconciliation and Betrayal Dream

The Reconciliation and Betrayal Dream
well, basically, it was my ex my most recent ex who I was with for almost 2 years and was very mentally and emotionally abusive and very much did not treat me good in any way, shape or form I haven’t spoken to him in over a year and a half and he and I had gotten into contact again and we started dating and it was going really really well but my best friend started talking to him and she really liked him and I told her that wasn’t appropriate and and then I told her off and then I told him off, and when I told him off, he was telling me the truth, and was telling me that that wasn’t what was happening and basically she was coming onto him, and he was telling her that she was my friend and then I drowned

This dream reflects your inner conflict and unresolved feelings towards your ex-partner. The presence of your ex in the dream symbolizes your desire to reconcile and reconnect with them. However, the abusive and toxic nature of your past relationship is still affecting you, as seen in the dream. Your ex’s presence also represents the unresolved issues and emotions that you have towards them. The fact that you haven’t spoken to your ex in over a year and a half suggests that you have been trying to move on and heal from the past. However, the dream shows that you are still struggling with these emotions and are not fully ready to let go. The appearance of your best friend in the dream may symbolize your fear of losing her to your ex, as she represents a supportive and important figure in your life. Your confrontation with your friend and ex in the dream reflects your inner turmoil and confusion about the situation. The drowning at the end of the dream may symbolize your fear of being overwhelmed by these unresolved emotions and the potential consequences of reconnecting with your ex. Overall, this dream highlights your need to address and resolve these lingering feelings towards your ex in order to fully move on and find closure.