The Reoccurring Dream of Fear and Loss

The Reoccurring Dream of Fear and Loss
I am a child sitting in my bedroom with the door shut playing board games with my childhood friends having a sleepover. I hear noises out in the hall and an automatic feeling of fear rushes over me and I say their coming, their coming or he’s coming. Then I climb out of the window and onto the roof from my second story bedroom window. Then I start running on the rooftops and a dog that I feel like is my dog starts running with me and I can hear the person behind me as well. Then all of a sudden I notice that the dog is gone and I run back for him and he is lying there dead on the rooftop. So turn in even more fear and feeling a loss, I keep running until I find a house lower to the ground and I jump down to their yard. Then I look forward and like a few feet from me is a cornfield and I look back and see a shadow person still chasing me so I then run into the cornfield. Then suddenly boom I run into the person and I see from shoes all of the way up to their chin and then I always wake up, so I’ve never seen the persons face. Plus, I’ve had this dream multiple times through out my life, exactly the same dream.

This dream may represent unresolved childhood fears and anxieties. The bedroom symbolizes a safe and familiar space, but the fear of the unknown lurks outside in the form of noises and a shadow person. The automatic feeling of fear and the repeated phrase ‘they’re coming’ or ‘he’s coming’ suggest a sense of impending danger or threat. Climbing out of the window and onto the roof may symbolize a desire to escape or avoid the source of fear. The dog, possibly representing a sense of protection or companionship, runs with the dreamer until it suddenly disappears, leaving the dreamer feeling even more vulnerable and alone. The cornfield may symbolize confusion and uncertainty, while the shadow person chasing the dreamer could represent a fear of the unknown or a repressed aspect of the dreamer’s psyche. The dreamer’s inability to see the person’s face may suggest a fear of confronting their own fears and anxieties. This dream may be a reflection of unresolved childhood traumas or fears that continue to manifest in the dreamer’s subconscious.