The Rodeo Dream: A Symbolic Journey of Competition and Challenges

The Rodeo Dream: A Symbolic Journey of Competition and Challenges
Dream about being at a rodeo. 2-3 different arenas competing in all events. I had taken a red horse, I think named Ferrari? Taylin was only person with me. We were gonna compete in barrels. We went looking for the signups and found them. Cole was there and I asked if I could pull the sheets off the board to see which events were in what rings and some lady told me no. I couldn’t read it! I went to one ring and watched some weird event, called joint galloping. They were riding horses and galloping over, through, and around obstacles and mud. I walked into the arena while one was competing (don’t remember the color) and it was like no one saw me. I followed them through the first half. Then I walked by a boy and Lora Yttri at the end of the arena for they were replacing obstacles. A little palomino came over and played in the mud and then ran back to the center and layed down almost as if they were helping. Then we walked back to trailer and I knew my event time was coming up soon and we needed to warm up. I told Taylin I needed to get my horse and was asking her where she was because I couldn’t remember where I put her. On way back to barns, another horse was tied up by door and I bent down by it to do something, maybe tie my shoe and it started dripping something and I thought it was peeing, but it was a wound leaking pus from its hindquarters above the hock and I moved back quite a bit and some girl aimed it right at me and sprayed me with it all over. I was so mad.

The dream about being at a rodeo represents your desire for excitement and adventure in your waking life. The rodeo symbolizes competition and the different arenas represent the various challenges and obstacles you may face. The red horse, possibly named Ferrari, symbolizes your passion and drive to succeed. Taylin, the only person with you, represents your support system and the importance of having someone by your side during difficult times. The barrels event symbolizes your determination and focus on achieving your goals. The lady who told you not to pull the sheets off the board represents your fear of breaking rules or going against authority. The joint galloping event symbolizes teamwork and cooperation in overcoming obstacles. The palomino horse playing in the mud represents your playful and carefree nature. The wound on the hindquarters of the horse represents a hidden issue or problem that needs to be addressed. Being sprayed with pus symbolizes your anger and frustration towards this issue. Overall, the dream suggests that you are ready to face challenges and overcome them with the support of your loved ones.