The Shadow in the Dark Closet: A Freudian Analysis of a Manifest Dream

The Shadow in the Dark Closet: A Freudian Analysis of a Manifest Dream
A manifest dream I could remember is falling asleep, but still being awake in my bed, but being frozen couldn’t move a muscle, but could move my eyes and I remember my room was super dark, but there was a faint light in my closet. I remember seeing a shadow standing there. It didn’t feel right, and I remember every time I would look away the shadow would be a little bit closer. To the point where I just shut my eyes, but I remember I was so scared that I forced myself to wake up.

This dream is a manifestation of the dreamer’s unconscious desires and fears. The dreamer’s inability to move or speak represents a feeling of powerlessness and lack of control in their waking life. The darkness in the room symbolizes the unknown and the fear of the unknown. The faint light in the closet represents a glimmer of hope or a hidden desire. The shadow in the closet represents the dreamer’s repressed desires and fears, which are trying to come to the surface. The dreamer’s fear of the shadow getting closer when they look away suggests a fear of confronting these repressed desires and fears. The act of shutting their eyes and forcing themselves to wake up is a defense mechanism to avoid facing these uncomfortable feelings. This dream may also be a reflection of the dreamer’s fear of being vulnerable and exposed, as the shadow is standing in their own bedroom. Overall, this dream highlights the dreamer’s inner conflicts and the need to confront and address their repressed desires and fears in order to gain a sense of control and empowerment in their waking life.