The Significance of Accompanying Men of God in a Dream

The Significance of Accompanying Men of God in a Dream
I was accompanied with 2 men of God, one apostle and a prophet, we were visiting 2 houses, one was very big and luxurious, there were the tenant there who already packed his stuff and was waiting while i was checking if everything's ok, in the kitchen sink there were unclean dishes and a rice cooker with rice stuck at the bottom and i got mad because of that as he could have washed them...we left and visit another smaller house but cosy that visit was quick the apostle went inside and came i asked the prophet what are we doing here he told me that those two houses are the Apostle's belongings.

In this dream, the dreamer is accompanied by two men of God, an apostle and a prophet, as they visit two houses. The first house is described as big and luxurious, with the tenant already packing his belongings. However, the dreamer notices unclean dishes and a rice cooker with stuck rice in the kitchen sink, causing them to become angry. The group then visits a smaller, but cozy house, which is revealed to be the apostle’s property. The prophet explains that both houses belong to the apostle.

This dream holds significant biblical symbolism, as it represents the dreamer’s spiritual journey and their relationship with God. The two men of God represent spiritual authority and guidance, as apostles and prophets are often seen as leaders and messengers of God in the Bible. The fact that the dreamer is accompanied by both an apostle and a prophet suggests that they are seeking both spiritual guidance and prophetic insight in their journey with God.

The first house, which is described as big and luxurious, represents worldly possessions and material wealth. The tenant who is already packing his belongings symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to let go of worldly attachments and focus on their spiritual journey. However, the unclean dishes and rice cooker with stuck rice in the kitchen sink represent unresolved issues and impurities in the dreamer’s life that need to be addressed. This could be a reminder for the dreamer to cleanse their heart and mind from any impurities and focus on their spiritual growth.

The second house, which is smaller but cozy, represents a simpler and more humble way of living. This could symbolize the dreamer’s desire to live a more humble and spiritual life, rather than being consumed by material possessions. The fact that the apostle owns this house could suggest that the dreamer is seeking spiritual guidance and direction from a higher authority, rather than relying on their own understanding.

Overall, this dream serves as a reminder for the dreamer to focus on their spiritual journey and seek guidance from spiritual authorities. It also highlights the importance of letting go of worldly attachments and cleansing oneself from any impurities in order to grow spiritually.