The Significance of Screenshots and Gifts in a Dream about an Ex and Close Friends

The Significance of Screenshots and Gifts in a Dream about an Ex and Close Friends
i was at a house in liverpool which may be my ex's house i cant remember. all of my cousins live in liverpool and i met my ex through it as his family are very close friends with my cousins family. there are 2 families which are very close to my cousins so we are close with them too. my ex, another family who are also his friends and my cousins are there. they are all extremely close friends in real life and i was with them too at one point in my life. im sitting on a couch and to my side is a table with screenshots of things ive said printed on some sort of solid thing. wood or something. when me and my ex were together we used to screenshot everything funny and silly that happened and things ive said that were hilarious as i am a very funny person. throughout or relationship it was mostly long distance as we lived far apart so screenshots were very important. i was trying to read them as before we broke up i had to delete my album of funny screenshots as my mom was going through my phone and when i told him he said sort of coldly that he had deleted them too although he had no reason to. i recently found out i think im not 100% sure but he still had those screenshots so he may have lied im not sure its not certain. anyway i was trying to read the screenshots bc they were good funny memories that i missed and they kept walking past and near so i couldnt. it was also time to open presents. i dont know for what occasion but it was and they had all got me gifts but i didnt have them because i didnt know i was supposed to. and they kind of reassured me i dont know. my ex was sitting in the middle of the group n i was sat opposite alone i think whereas they were together. thing is when me and my ex were together we tried this thing to enter eachothers dream but it could only happen with good intent so we tried it and it worked. i never usually have dreams about people in my life it is very rare.

This dream may symbolize unresolved feelings and memories related to the dreamer’s ex and close friends. The house in Liverpool could represent a sense of familiarity and comfort, as well as a reminder of the dreamer’s past relationship. The screenshots on the table could represent the dreamer’s desire to hold onto happy memories and the importance of communication in their past relationship. The fact that the screenshots are printed on a solid material could suggest the dreamer’s desire for these memories to be tangible and lasting. The dreamer’s struggle to read the screenshots could symbolize their difficulty in letting go of the past and moving on. The gifts from the dreamer’s friends and ex could represent their support and reassurance in the dreamer’s journey. The dreamer’s feeling of being left out and alone could reflect their current feelings of isolation and longing for connection. The mention of trying to enter each other’s dreams could symbolize the dreamer’s desire for closure and resolution in their past relationship. Overall, this dream may suggest the dreamer’s need to process and come to terms with their past experiences and relationships in order to move forward in their waking life.