The Spiritual Significance of Finding Crystals and Stones in a Dream

The Spiritual Significance of Finding Crystals and Stones in a Dream
I broke a price off of my grandmother's crystal and was kicking along a path and it went into a stream. A woman told me I can't take rocks from the stream as it belongs to the tribe of the land I need permission and I said I have to get my grandmother's crystal so she gave me permission and I had to giveher a rock. I found a silver bit of debri and threw it out and a man said ooh that must be a chair leg. I then continued to search for the crystal and found beautiful brown stones and green stones along with bones and skulls and white volcanic rock

In this dream, the dreamer is faced with the task of finding a crystal that belongs to their grandmother. This crystal represents a precious and valuable possession that holds sentimental value. However, the dreamer encounters obstacles along the way, such as breaking a piece of the crystal and being told they need permission to take rocks from the stream. This dream holds significant spiritual symbolism and can be interpreted through a biblical lens.

The crystal in this dream represents something of great value and importance, which can be seen as a representation of our relationship with God. Just as the dreamer is searching for the crystal, we are constantly searching for a deeper connection with God. The broken piece of the crystal could symbolize a broken relationship or a lack of fulfillment in our spiritual lives.

The woman who tells the dreamer they need permission to take rocks from the stream represents the authority of God. In the Bible, we are reminded to seek permission and guidance from God before making decisions or taking actions. This is a reminder to always seek God’s will and direction in our lives.

The silver debris that the dreamer finds and throws away could represent distractions or temptations that can lead us away from our spiritual path. The man who identifies it as a chair leg could symbolize the enemy trying to deceive us and lead us astray.

The beautiful brown and green stones, along with bones and skulls, represent the different trials and challenges we face in life. These experiences can shape us and make us stronger, just as the volcanic rock symbolizes the refining fire of God. This dream is a reminder to trust in God and His plan for our lives, even when faced with difficulties.

Overall, this dream serves as a reminder to seek a deeper connection with God, to seek His guidance and permission in all aspects of our lives, and to trust in His plan even when faced with challenges. It is a reminder to prioritize our spiritual well-being and to trust in God’s love and protection.