The Spiritual Significance of Kidneys in a Cult Leader’s Dream

The Spiritual Significance of Kidneys in a Cult Leader’s Dream
a cult leader was having his cult members kill other cult members in what the followers thought was a divine and spiritual sacrifice or a reunion with the ultimate unseen, but was actually a malicious ploy by the cult leader. In this dream, the kidneys had immense spiritual significance, and upon a follower's death, the other followers would extract some type of essence from the person's kidney and drink it. What is the symbolism of the kidneys in this dream?

In this dream, the kidneys symbolize the innermost desires and intentions of the cult leader. The kidneys are responsible for filtering out impurities and toxins from the body, and in this dream, they represent the cult leader’s ability to manipulate and control his followers. Just as the kidneys filter out impurities, the cult leader is filtering out the true intentions of his actions and presenting them as divine and spiritual sacrifices. This dream serves as a warning to the cult leader that his actions are not truly pure and are driven by selfish desires.

From a biblical perspective, the kidneys hold great significance. In the Bible, the kidneys are often associated with the heart and are seen as the seat of emotions and desires. In Jeremiah 17:10, it says, “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” This verse highlights the importance of the heart and mind, which are represented by the kidneys in this dream.

Furthermore, the act of extracting essence from the kidneys and drinking it symbolizes the cult leader’s desire for power and control over his followers. In Proverbs 23:7, it says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” This verse emphasizes the power of our thoughts and intentions, and in this dream, the cult leader’s thoughts are focused on gaining power and control over his followers.

Overall, this dream serves as a warning to the cult leader to examine his true intentions and to not be deceived by the false sense of power and control he believes he has. It also serves as a reminder to all of us to be mindful of our thoughts and intentions, as they can reveal our true character and desires.