The Spiritual Significance of the Casino and the Coyote in a Dream

The Spiritual Significance of the Casino and the Coyote in a Dream
i dreamed that me and my mother, who is deceased went to the casino. upon entering the casino, I ran into a friend of mine. My mother suddenly changed her attitude and walked off. As me and my friend started to follow my mother the scene changed into a department store, and I noticed these purple outfits. I expressed how I wanted one, then the next thing was my mother walked off. I turned to my friend and told her that my mother was upset because it was supposed to be a dinner date with me and my mother, so my friend understood and went her way. I walked to look for my mother and got distracted by some candy before leaving the store. I started to eat one, and asked the cashier, a middle-aged white male if he could page my mother and told him her name. It was getting later and later, and I didn't have money to pay for the candy just then I saw my friend again as waved her over. I asked if she had any money to help me out and she did. The scene changed with me and my mother leaving the casino but as I was leaving the cashier handed me a gift. It was a pink blanket with pink dots. As I was walking to the car with my mother, I opened the blanket up and wrapped it around my whole body before getting in the car. Driving home my mother didn't make the exit turn to our house, she kept driving and I was upset because I didn't want to go with her, I was upset with the way she acted at the casino. She kept driving further and further and I yanked at the wheel and told her to let me off. I would walk back home. Well as I started to walk home, I noticed a car pull up to where my mom parked, and I got this bad feeling inside, so I turned around to go make sure she didn't get harmed. The seen changed to us going into an old mud house, a traditional house used by my tribe. The next thing that happened was me and my daughter were scoping out the surroundings and it started getting dark. We ran into a sake and out of nowhere a coyote came and killed it.

In this dream, the dreamer is accompanied by their deceased mother, who represents a spiritual guide or influence. The casino symbolizes the temptations and distractions of the world, as well as the desire for material possessions. The dreamer’s friend represents a supportive and understanding presence, while the purple outfits symbolize spiritual growth and transformation. However, the dreamer’s mother’s sudden change in attitude and departure suggests a disconnect between the dreamer and their spiritual guidance. This is further emphasized by the scene changing to a department store, where the dreamer becomes distracted by material desires and loses sight of their mother. The candy symbolizes temporary pleasures and the cashier represents the consequences of indulging in them. The gift of the pink blanket with pink dots represents the dreamer’s spiritual protection and comfort, but the dreamer’s resistance to going home with their mother shows their reluctance to fully embrace their spiritual path. The coyote, a symbol of cunning and deception, represents the spiritual forces that seek to harm and distract the dreamer. The old mud house symbolizes the dreamer’s ancestral and cultural roots, and the sake represents the dreamer’s spiritual journey. The coyote’s attack on the sake symbolizes the spiritual battle the dreamer must face in order to stay on their path. This dream serves as a reminder to stay vigilant and focused on one’s spiritual journey, and to resist the temptations and distractions of the world.