The Struggle for a Seat: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream

The Struggle for a Seat: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream
I dreamed of finding myself in my old school three times and each time, i can not find a place to sit in the classroom. the one time someone help me get to the class early, the instructor changed the class without our knowledge and before we could walk into the class, there was no where to sit. the third time i had this dream, me and another lady saw a bench and the bench was broken on my friend's end. and also, white struggling to get the bench to fit into a space, the person behind us, hit me but another student warned them

In this dream, the dreamer finds themselves in their old school three times, each time unable to find a place to sit in the classroom. This could symbolize a feeling of displacement or not fitting in with their current surroundings. The fact that the dream takes place in their old school could suggest a longing for the past or a desire to return to a familiar and comfortable environment.

The first time, someone helps the dreamer get to class early, but the instructor changes the class without their knowledge. This could represent unexpected changes or challenges in the dreamer’s life. The fact that there is nowhere to sit could symbolize a lack of stability or support in the face of these changes.

The third time, the dreamer and another person see a broken bench, with the broken end belonging to the dreamer’s friend. This could represent a broken relationship or a feeling of being let down by someone close to them. The struggle to fit the bench into a space could symbolize the dreamer’s attempts to fix or salvage the relationship.

The person behind them hitting the dreamer could represent a betrayal or hurt caused by someone else. However, the fact that another student warns them could symbolize a protective force or a reminder to be cautious of who they trust.

Overall, this dream could be a reflection of the dreamer’s feelings of displacement, instability, and broken relationships. It could also serve as a reminder to be cautious of who they trust and to be prepared for unexpected changes in their life.