The Struggle for Control in a Dream

The Struggle for Control in a Dream
I was in a mall with my husband. We went into a shop where he found an electronic he wanted to buy. He told me to get anything that i want in the shop while he buys the electronic. I then walked around the shop looking at all their products, but i did not find any interest in them. I went back to my husband empty handed. When he realized that i came back with nothing, he asked the seller to keep the electronic for him. My husband took me once again around the shop and we ended up taking things that i did not like because my husband said that i cant leave the shop empty handed. We got a few body products and some clothes, and headed to pay for them at the till. After this my husband disappeared, i look all over the mall for him but couldn't find him. Then a shoot out took place which led me to running into another store with the stuff my husband and i bought. A guy in the store tried to take one of the things that we bought, but i bit him to prevent that from happening. I tried screaming for my husband to hear, but there was no answer.

This dream reflects a struggle for control in your waking life. The mall represents a place of consumerism and materialism, where you and your husband are searching for something to fulfill your desires. Your husband’s desire for the electronic represents his need for control and power. Meanwhile, your lack of interest in the products symbolizes your resistance to being controlled. When your husband asks you to choose something, it shows his attempt to give you a sense of control, but ultimately, you feel pressured to conform to his desires. This is further emphasized when you both end up buying things you don’t like, as your husband’s need for control overrides your own preferences. The disappearance of your husband represents your fear of losing control and being left alone. The shoot out symbolizes a conflict or power struggle in your waking life. Your biting the man trying to take your belongings shows your determination to maintain control. However, your screams for your husband to hear go unanswered, indicating your struggle to communicate and be heard in your relationship. This dream may be a reflection of your feelings of being controlled or not having a voice in your waking life, and the need to assert yourself and find a balance of power in your relationships.