The Struggle of Letting Go: A Dream About Moving and Leaving Behind Loved Ones

The Struggle of Letting Go: A Dream About Moving and Leaving Behind Loved Ones
At the starrt of the dream I ran into my wife and some of the kids that I work with at my job, walking down a street that for some reason didn’t make sense that they were on that street. I asked why they were on that street and the answer was because people were upset with the kids for messing up the internet on the train on the other street. Then all of a sudden my wife and I are in an apartment that we are living in, but my wife is telling us we have to move and leave everything behind. I asked why and she said that we were breaking our lease so the landlord can’t know. I asked what we and the kids that were with us going to do when we got to the new city. She said they had places they were going, but we would have to figure something out, maybe get a hotel room. I remember feeling sad and saying I really didn’t want to move because I loved my job. Also I was sad about all the stuff we were leaving behind. I remember looking at the walls and feeling sad at all the art work we were leaving behind, especially a large photo of my grandfather. I began to pack up photo albums to take with us. Also I was preparing to get a suitcase to put some of my clothes in because I had to take some of my clothes with me, especially underwear. I didn’t want to leave all my clothes behind. Then I woke up.

This dream may symbolize a fear of change and the difficulty of letting go. The dreamer’s wife and children represent familiar and comfortable aspects of their life, while the strange street and apartment represent the unknown and unfamiliar. The dreamer’s job and possessions represent stability and security, which they are reluctant to leave behind. The dreamer’s sadness and reluctance to move may indicate a fear of losing what they have worked hard for and a fear of the unknown future. The photo of the grandfather may represent a connection to the past and a fear of losing that connection. The dreamer’s need to pack and take certain items with them, such as photo albums and underwear, may symbolize a desire to hold onto familiar and personal belongings in the face of change. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s struggle with the idea of change and the difficulty of letting go of the past in order to move forward.