The Struggle of Motherhood: A Dream Interpretation

The Struggle of Motherhood: A Dream Interpretation
I dreamed that I had just given birth to my second child at home. The child is a boy even though in real life I'm not married or even in a relationship. When I was cleaning myself and calming down, suddenly several women and one man came who were acting as guards for the woman. They came to protest to me that I abandoned my child because I didn't give him breast milk. even though in my dream, my first child was healthy and fine, even active, meaning I raised him well. they kept pressuring me and finally I confirmed that I was his mother, you don't know anything about me and how I raised him. I also said that I didn't even know who you were, and that guy wasn't even a security guard or a police officer. I don't really remember what happened next but then they left, I cried and hugged the people at home. then I started breastfeeding my child who seemed awake, the child looked handsome and his body looked bigger and healthier than children his age.

This dream may symbolize your inner fears and anxieties about motherhood and the responsibilities that come with it. The birth of your second child represents a new phase in your life, one that you may not feel fully prepared for. The fact that you are not in a relationship in real life could suggest feelings of being alone or unsupported in this journey. The presence of the guards could represent societal pressures and expectations placed on mothers to be perfect and fulfill certain roles. The fact that they accuse you of abandoning your child and not giving him breast milk could symbolize your own doubts and insecurities about being a good mother. However, your strong response and assertion of your motherhood and parenting skills shows your determination and confidence in your abilities. The healthy and active first child could represent your successful experience with motherhood so far. The act of breastfeeding your child could symbolize your nurturing and caring nature, and the fact that the child appears bigger and healthier could represent your desire to raise your children to be strong and successful. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your fears, doubts, and strengths as a mother, and a reminder to trust in yourself and your abilities.