The Struggle of Unrequited Love

The Struggle of Unrequited Love
I was with a guy friend I had interest in but he’s shorter and smaller than me even at my skinniest. I really like him but I can tell he doesn’t really like me. It hurts my feelings but his actions show he likes me enough to hangout with until he finds his special person to marry. I can tell he’s texting someone currently but it makes me feel special that he’d be with me at all so I don’t care. I avoid overstaying my welcome and leave to go home. I ride awkwardly on the back of his motercycle halfway home. Then switch to the normal way of sitting and go home. I’m content / a little sad at being home. I guess I have to start my life. On the way home I was talking about my ex being very UP and DOWN with his temper and I didn’t like it.

This dream reflects the dreamer’s feelings of unrequited love for someone who is not interested in them. The dreamer’s interest in the guy friend is evident, but his smaller stature symbolizes the dreamer’s feelings of inadequacy and insecurity in the relationship. The dreamer’s awareness of the guy friend’s lack of interest is also reflected in the dream, causing feelings of hurt and sadness. However, the dreamer’s desire to be with the guy friend, even if it is temporary, shows their willingness to settle for less in order to be with the person they love. The dreamer’s avoidance of overstaying their welcome and leaving to go home represents their fear of rejection and the need to protect themselves from further emotional pain. The awkwardness of riding on the back of the motorcycle symbolizes the dreamer’s discomfort and unease in the relationship. The switch to a normal sitting position and going home represents the dreamer’s acceptance of the situation and their realization that they need to move on with their life. The mention of the ex’s temper reflects the dreamer’s past experiences with unstable relationships and their desire for a more stable and healthy partnership. Overall, this dream highlights the dreamer’s struggle with unrequited love and their need to find closure and move on.