The Struggle to Move On: A Dream About an Ex-Boyfriend

The Struggle to Move On: A Dream About an Ex-Boyfriend
With Luke (ex boyfriend) I was getting ready to go see him, I was getting ready and he was with another woman. He really wanted me to meet her. And every time I went to go see him and leave, I would forget something I forgot my keys, then my bag, then my phone, I keep on forgetting everything I needed to go. And then I forgot the directions and didn’t know how to get there. And I was with other people in a very small house. I was on FaceTime with Luke at some other house. We kept on going back and fourth I finally said this isn’t meant to be I keep forgetting things, then I thought if I go then im going against what is mean to be and what if something happens like I get into a car accident etc.

This dream may symbolize your inner conflict and struggle to move on from your past relationship with your ex-boyfriend, Luke. The fact that you were getting ready to see him suggests that you may still have lingering feelings for him. However, the presence of another woman in the dream may represent your fear of being replaced or forgotten by him. This fear is further emphasized by your constant forgetfulness in the dream, as if you are subconsciously trying to delay or avoid the meeting with Luke and his new partner. The small house and FaceTime call may symbolize your feelings of being trapped and distant from Luke, unable to fully move on. Your realization that the situation is not meant to be may indicate your acceptance of the end of the relationship. The fear of something happening if you were to go see him may represent your fear of getting hurt again. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your struggle to let go of the past and move forward in your life.