The Struggle to Renew Vows

The Struggle to Renew Vows
My husband (I think) and I were renewing our vows. The morning of the day I didn’t have a dress yet and couldn’t figure out how to get to the store and how to get in contact woman who made my dress. Then I did and instead of getting ready for the wedding went to church with my friend Vanessa. We were sitting in church for a while then I said I should go get ready rushed out of church still without a dress to wear because I didn’t pick up the dress. Then I got into the car and went to get the Dress. But again I couldn’t find my way to the dress, I couldn’t remember the name of the store to pick it up. I Didn’t invite my dad to the wedding and it was all more friends. I also didn’t use a party planner to organize it. Don’t see Rich, my current husband at all in the dream, but assumed I was renewing my vows with him.

This dream may reflect feelings of uncertainty and anxiety about commitment and responsibilities in your current relationship. The fact that you are renewing your vows suggests a desire to reaffirm your commitment and strengthen your bond with your husband. However, the lack of preparation and organization in the dream may symbolize doubts or fears about your ability to maintain this commitment. The difficulty in finding the dress and getting to the store may represent challenges or obstacles in your relationship that you are struggling to overcome. The absence of your husband in the dream may indicate feelings of distance or disconnection in your relationship. The presence of your friend Vanessa and the absence of your father and a party planner may suggest a desire for more support and guidance in your relationship. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious concerns and insecurities about your relationship and the need for reassurance and support from those around you.