The Symbolism of a Blind Cat in a Dream

The Symbolism of a Blind Cat in a Dream
It started off blurry in my dream and some how i came into contact with this freshly born kitten , no hair , eyes barely open , just a squirmy pink newborn , i tried getting rid of it but it clinged to me. I had no choice but to raise it but the more i was around it the more i came fond it turned into an older cat faded orange , but it was blind in one eye. it was inseparable from me , and would always hiss and stay away from others , that were not me. before I woke up i remember it just staring at me. anybody know what this could mean ? i’ve had a previous dream with a bird i’ve raised from a chick and it grew up and crumbled to dust infront of me ( went through a full life cycle in the matter of seconds )

This dream may represent feelings of responsibility and attachment towards something or someone in your waking life. The blurry beginning of the dream could symbolize confusion or uncertainty about this responsibility. The newborn kitten, with no hair and barely open eyes, could represent a new and vulnerable aspect of yourself or a new project or relationship that you are nurturing. The fact that you tried to get rid of it but it clinged to you suggests that you may have initially resisted this responsibility, but eventually embraced it. The kitten growing into an older cat could symbolize the growth and development of this aspect of yourself or the project/relationship. The faded orange color could represent a fading passion or enthusiasm for this responsibility. The blindness in one eye could symbolize a lack of clarity or insight in this area of your life. The cat being inseparable from you and hissing at others could represent your strong attachment and protectiveness towards this responsibility. The dream ending with the cat staring at you could symbolize your contemplation and reflection on this aspect of your life. The previous dream with the bird could represent a similar theme of nurturing and letting go of something that has reached the end of its life cycle. Overall, this dream may be reflecting your feelings and thoughts about a current responsibility or project in your waking life and the growth and challenges that come with it.