The Symbolism of a Chaotic Photo Shoot with Deceased Mother

The Symbolism of a Chaotic Photo Shoot with Deceased Mother
When on photo shoot with mom and sisters and my daughter and nephew. Drove to top of a mountain and when my mom [ who is deceased since 2002] parked I got out and looked and she didn't have front tire on ground. The whole sub tumbled down a mountain hitting the rocks a few times and tumbled out of sight. Fire truck came and I asked did that really just happen and she said yes that really just happened . I woke up crying

This dream may represent unresolved feelings and emotions related to your mother’s passing. The photo shoot with your mother and sisters symbolizes a desire for connection and a longing for the past. Your daughter and nephew may represent the future and the passing down of family traditions and memories. The drive to the top of the mountain symbolizes a journey towards closure and acceptance. However, the missing front tire on your mother’s car suggests that something is missing or incomplete in this process. The car tumbling down the mountain and hitting rocks may represent the emotional turmoil and challenges you have faced since your mother’s passing. The fire truck symbolizes the need for outside help and support in dealing with these emotions. The fact that your mother confirms that it really happened suggests that this dream is a reflection of your subconscious thoughts and feelings. Waking up crying may indicate a need to process and release these emotions in order to find peace and closure. Overall, this dream may be a reminder to honor and cherish the memories of your mother while also finding ways to move forward and create new memories with your family.